It's me again!!! I feel really really horrible that I'm not here more often, and I can't even say that life has gotten in the way. I've just been lazy, extremely lazy about creating kits or anything really. Well that's not 100% true, I start ALOT of kits then get side tracked and never go back to them. *shrugs* BUT I was on the ball this time and I think I did a good job =) let me know what you think lol

You can get this kit HERE

Anyone who downloads one or more of my kits, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see what you do with them =) lots of <3
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Was in a flower making mood today which is kind of odd, but I guess it's because none of the flowers I've planted have bloomed yet.... Sigh!
So I have to settle with these =)

it can be downloaded with a grayscale bonus tulip head Here
I've been suffering alot with ideas on what to create, I'm just at a total loss really. But today I was tinkering around in paint and came up with these little flower doodles. I used a script created by and here is the result =)

Download Here
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